
Written by Abstract Samm

Welcome back to the Savannah Sip N’ Cycle Blog, the place where you can come to find out all that you want to know about our favorite city in the world! We might be a little biased but hey, this place is pretty cool once you get to know it, and that’s what we are here for! Showing off is just a slight perk to working for Savannah Sip N’ Cycle, with our main goal being to inform our future guests and ensure they have the best time possible while staying with us. They don’t call us Georgia’s “Hostess City” for nothing. Visit us here on the blog page as often as you’d like, there is something for everyone and always more being considered. You’re sure to leave with a want to come stay in Savannah forever by the time you finish reading about our Vegan food and Happy Hour deals, just to name a couple.

Savannah is the type of city that despite its constant growth, feels like a big small town. All of the local businesses know each other, just like the locals. When you take a tour with us on the #PartyBike or Pedicab, you will surely hear lots of “hey y’all” exchanges between various guides and hosts. Savannah could grow to the size of New York City and we would still run around treating it like the good old little spot that we call home. Not quite on the way to NYC population status but still climbing up quickly, additions are always being added or planned for and that growth is what we are thinking about today here at the Savannah Sip N’ Cycle Blog.

Every day of the week, 365 days a year, Savannah is a quaint piece of Georgia that consistently remains home to entrepreneurs, musicians, and creative souls from all walks of life. With so many epic minds in one location, you can never quite be sure of what you are going to encounter while in Savannah. From the new Plant Riverside District (check out our past article on the topic for more info) on the West End of River Street, or the brand new Civic Center we are talking about today, we like to grow with the times. A lot can be said for Georgia’s oldest city, we have come a long way since 1733.

For many years, tourists have flocked to Savannah for a combination of history, aesthetic beauty and entertainment. Countless movies, concerts, festivals and events of every nature have made home in Georgia’s “Hostess City” over the years and will continue to do so. What is already regarded as a hot spot for entertainers all over the place, Savannah is gaining a new arena in 2022 that will only add to the experience. This week, on the Savannah Sip N’ Cycle Blog, we are taking some time to talk about whats to come with the Enmarket Arena’s construction. Expect this project to be completed next year and get stoked for all that comes along with it.

Located less than two miles from the Savannah Civic Center, the Enmarket Arena is a project that will span 600 acres of space in downtown Savannah’s Historic District. Able to seat up to 9,500 visitors at capacity, this is a big move for us here in the city. Sporting events, live music and more than we can even imagine here at Savannah Sip N’ Cycle. We’ve gotten used to big names coming around, filming movies, putting on shows and just generally making Savannah an exciting name to say. But this arena, is a step up from what we see every day. Not only is this giant venue going to be a wicked place to hang out while you are visiting, the structure and businesses inside will create jobs to help build our already growing community in Savannah.

Enmarket Arena is boasting an entirely new era of sporting events, live music and entertainment in general. Designed with the viewers in mind, no seat is a bad one when you watch a comedy show, concert or who knows what might go on that week. Every single one of the almost 10,000 seats available are positioned to give guests an optimum angle to experience the show. If you are ever unsure of finding an activity that is bound to have enough seating at a price that won’t break your bank, this arena is going to be your best bet. There’s no wonder to why we are getting used to calling Savannah the “Fastest Growing City in Georgia” when we keep finding excuses to invite more epic performers to the area.

Concerts and live shows are always awesome, and here at Savannah Sip N’ Cycle, we can never stop finding reasons to share upcoming festivals. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to take a moment (or the entire afternoon, we don’t mind) to check out articles we have posted in the past about entertainment in Savannah. Topics include, but are never limited to, local bands, movies filmed here in the city and celebrities from Georgia, along with tourists guides to everything Savannah. The cyclesavannah.com blog is your best resource for learning everything you ever wanted to know about this area, and just like the city itself, we keep adding more to the list. What is particularly exciting about the Enmarket Arena is not only the addition of another stage but the opportunity that lies within for sporting events.

State of the art hockey facilities are being built in the arena, bringing with them a local team that you will want to check out whether you are a hockey fan or not. Seating for over 7,000 fans in the Hockey sector, this looks like Savannah’s new place to be if you are interested in the game. Local and pro leagues will be making their way to the ice starting later in the year of 2022 so there’s still plenty of time to plan for a trip. For those of us who are from Savannah and still speak fondly of the “once every ten years” snowfall, Hockey was never on our immediate radar. Who says The South doesn’t know how to have fun with winter time activities? Now you get the best of being able to have a blast with a classic winter sport, and also not needing to clean snow off of your car before heading out for the evening. Savannah is on the way to having it all.

Not only will Hockey be able to find a cozy home here in Savannah as the Enmarket Arena comes to pass, but Basketball as well. Up to almost 9,000 Basketball lovers can take part of all the fun during their seasons. Pre & Post Game event areas and press conference rooms will also be available for both sports. One look at the seating chart and you will want to buy tickets before the games are even planned!

Well there you have it, just a taste of what is coming up in 2022 for us here in Savannah. At Savannah Sip N’ Cycle, we are stoked for the opportunity to host more guests like you for your favorite festivities. All year long, we are consistently looking for more to do, see, eat and experience in Savannah. Occasionally, the city might get a little crowded but that’s when we love to be here the most! When everybody comes together for a fun time, Savannah is truly one of the greatest places to be and the Enmarket Arena will undoubtedly add to an ambiance than is tried and true. If it can be performed on a stage, played in an arena or put on a canvas, downtown Savannah’s Historic District has a home for the act somewhere on some day. Along those same lines, if it can be talked about, we are going out of our way to inform readers about it. We can’t seem to get enough of Savannah around here, and not only because the city won’t quit getting better every chance it gets!

Before you take off to go obsessively research what concerts are coming to the arena next year, don’t forget the real reason you came to the cyclesavannah.com blog, to find out more about our #PartyBike. Seating up to 15 guests, the #PartyBike is Downtown Savannah’s ONLY mobile dance floor, and the top way to get to know the area. Hosted by a local who can’t wait to show off the city, grab all of your favorite friends, coworkers or family members for the Eco-Friendly and exciting way to get around. You’ll find yourself singing along to the party playlists and laughing as people honk and wave at the bike, while finding out how to get to our favorite bars. Costumes and themes are ALWAYS encouraged on the #PartyBike and we will even let you in on a little secret. While the blog is definitely a solid approach to answering any questions that might arise about Savannah, there is one other resource that never runs out, asking a local for advice. Your #PartyBike tour guide could possibly be your entry to a side of Savannah that we may never cover. Always always always ask the host about what they like to get into when they aren’t taking a ride with us on the party bike, or even pedicab. Did we mention that Pedicab tours are available as well? Just click the “Pedicab” link at the top of this page to find out more info. Our Pedicab and Party Bike services are the perfect transportation option for any occasion and there is a choice for party sizes ranging from date night to full blown reunion status. Arranging your in-city travel with us at Savannah Sip N’ Cycle is as easy as sending a quick email or message.

 Thank you so much for taking the time to read through another post with us here at the cyclesavannah.com blog and bookmark this page before you leave. You will want to check back regularly for more updates on what to do while in Savannah, and to book your Pedicab or Party Bike tour. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for pictures and videos of our fun times in Savannah, we can’t wait to meet you! If there’s anything we have not yet covered here on the blog, or you have any questions about past posts that we’ve made, please feel free to reach out to us on social media or by email. At Savannah Sip N’ Cycle, we are here to help you plan the vacation of your highest expectations when in the city. Bridal Parties, Family Reunions, Work Retreats, no matter the occasion, there is a chance that the experience can be made better by taking a ride with us on the #PartyBike.